Aging Eyes: How You See as Time Goes by

Aging Eyes How You See As Time Goes By

The common instances that one may experience about aging eyes are reaching more often for your glasses, having trouble adjusting to glaring lights or reading when the light is dim, and not being able to tell dark colors apart. These are some of the normal changes to your vision as you age.

Our skilled nursing in Chillicothe, Ohio may be necessary for those experiencing a severe decline in their vision. Seniors who become limited in their movement because of their aging eyes will need some assistance in going about their daily tasks. Research studies show that the number of people with age-related eye problems is rising dramatically. All age-related changes to your eyes may not be prevented, however, you can take steps to protect your eyes and reduce your risk for serious eye disease in the future.

Age-related stiffening and clouding of the lens can affect everyone. You may experience trouble focusing on up-close objects. This condition is called presbyopia. Cloudy areas in the lens, also known as cataracts, are very common in people who are 75 years old and older. Some cataracts appear small and have little effect on eyesight but others are large and interfere with vision. Seniors who have cataracts endure different symptoms and they must always be assisted by caregivers, like our home health aide in Westerville, Ohio, to be safe at all times. These symptoms can include blurry vision, difficulty seeing well at night, seeing too bright lights, and faded color vision.

To guard yourself against long-term eye diseases, always take the protective steps that help you maintain good eyesight. Also, for home health care services in Ohio, call Buckeye Home Health Care!

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